Grote- of St. Nicolaaskerk

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The Grote of Sint-Nicolaaskerk can be visited throughout the summer season. During the summer season, the church opens its doors for visitors and the church tower can be climbed. Climbers of the tower will see their efforts rewarded with a fantastic view of Elburg, the Veluwemeer and the Veluwe itself.

In 1397, the bishop of Utrecht gave permission to build a parish church in the newly built town of Elburg. The church was built in the north-eastern corner of the city in Gothic style. Construction was finished in the fifteenth century. It is a three-aisled pseudo-basilica with masonry work cross ribbed vaults. The church has been in Protestant hands since around 1580. The oak choir screen and two choir stalls date from before the Reformation. The church was dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen.

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The Grote of Sint-Nicolaaskerk can be visited throughout the summer season. During the summer season, the church opens its doors for visitors and the church tower can be climbed. Climbers of the tower will see their efforts rewarded with a fantastic view of Elburg, the Veluwemeer and the Veluwe itself.

In 1397, the bishop of Utrecht gave permission to build a parish church in the newly built town of Elburg. The church was built in the north-eastern corner of the city in Gothic style. Construction was finished in the fifteenth century. It is a three-aisled pseudo-basilica with masonry work cross ribbed vaults. The church has been in Protestant hands since around 1580. The oak choir screen and two choir stalls date from before the Reformation. The church was dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen.

The tower consists of a base with three sections above it, which have three recesses on each side in pointed arches. There is no spire on the tower. This was lost in a lightning strike in 1693. Lack of money has prevented the spire from ever being rebuilt. The church's organ was built in 1825 by Heinrich Quellhorst. There has also been a choir organ since 1974. The church was thoroughly restored in the years 1971 to 1975. During this restoration, some special murals (frescoes) appeared under the limestone layers. The brass crowns in the nave date from the seventeenth century.



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