Trout fishing pond De Haere

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At trout fishing pond De Haere you can go trout fishing to your heart’s content. Four spacious ponds in beautiful natural surroundings. The parc is situated on 5 acres of land so there is enough space for an excellent angling experience.

There are angling rods and fishnets for rent on site. All fishing equipment such as bate, floats and complete rods can be purchased at the reception.

Check the website for rules and regulation.

Pond 1: € 17,50 – 6 trout
Pond 2: € 18,50 – 2 kg char (between 500 and 1200 grams)
Pond 3: € 12,50 – 4 trout
Pond 4: € 24,00 – 4 char (between 500 and 1200 grams)
per 30 persons 1 giant-char of 3-6 kg.



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