Oostendorp is an old village centre, just as Doornspijk, in 1307 the name is first mentioned. The name Oostendorp reflects the location of the village in relation to the most important town in those days: the village east of Elburg. Oostendorp seamlessly changes into the suburbs of the fortified town of Elburg but the people of Oostendorp have their own culture and absolutely not feel residents of Elburg. Up to 1974 there was a municipality Elburg: the fortified town and the suburbs Oosthoek and the Vrijheid, and a municipality Doornspijk: all the area around Elburg. Doornspijk was a lot bigger than Elburg and originally covered the area from Doornspijk via Oostendorp and Oosterwolde up to Noordeinde. This was a vast area with Oostendorp in the middle and because of that the town hall of the in 1974 merged municipalities is situated in Oostendorp.
Mill ‘De Tijd’
The heart of Oostendorp is formed by flourmill ‘De Tijd’, a wooden octagonal tower mill on a brickwork base. The mill was built in 1854 to replace the only ten year old mill which had burnt down in 1853. Luckily the requested demolition permit in 1964 was not granted. On the burr of the mill we find the year of construction 1854 but also the year 1984, the year a large restoration took place. From that time the mill was in use again and the grinding wheat was restarted. Voluntary millers regularly run the mill.
Nowadays flourmill ‘De Tijd’ is is the only mill left in the municipality and a beautiful monument to visit. It is used as a Bakery-mill with a traditional bakery and pleasant lunchroom.
Mill ‘De Tijd’